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Tax Information

Local taxes fund government services including police and fire services, education and health services, libraries, road maintenance, and other programs and projects which benefit the community at large. Additionally, there are programs and incentives offered to aid families and individuals. Find more information here about the local tax codes and laws for our district.

Federal & State

County & Village

Tax Incentives & Programs

  • The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. LIHEAP provides federally funded assistance to reduce the costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization, and minor energy-related home repairs.
  • The Illinois Emergency Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) provides up to $60,000 in mortgage assistance to eligible homeowners — paid directly to the servicer, taxing body, or other approved entity.

Contact information

IL. State Representative District 44

1014 E. Schaumburg Road

Streamwood, IL, 60107

Phone:   (630) 372-3340

Email:   Fred@FredCrespo.com